It’s that time of year, here in Eastern North Carolina. Booties and gloves are off and wetsuits are optional. At least a couple brave souls surfed bareback the last few days. I cannot wait to get rid of the bulky weight of my wetsuit. Despite the rigor of pulling it on and off, rinsing and drying, I’m holding on a little longer until it’s a little warmer. Unfortunately last week I left my surf booties in the car for a couple of days. It smelled like a snapper who swam through toxic waste had died in the backseat.
As I look ahead anxious to shed this outer layer of rubber, I’m reminded of my need to shed some other things as well. Does anyone else let impatience get the better of them in traffic or when catching the bridge when you’re itching to surf? Another struggle that seems to smell up my act like those booties, is when I speak without thinking first.
I wish these things were as easy to take off as my wetsuit. Although in the thick of winter, with mild hypothermia setting in, my fingers fumble and fail trying to come out of that wetsuit. People must think I’m rehearsing a three stooges routine as I hop around tugging body parts loose. Maybe like the wetsuit these traits were useful at some time for some season, although I can’t think of any. That time has now passed. I believe anger generated by impatience and self-importance is no longer needed neither is a well-meaning but harsh word tumbling out of careless lips. But I’ve found it requires more than mere human strength. It requires supernatural strength.
So, like a proverbial “spring cleaning” I am taking a personal inventory and instead of beating myself up by saying “What a crappy friend I make!” or “When will I ever learn?” I am hauling this bull-in-a-china-shop personality up to my heavenly Father who promises to do a good work in me if I let him. As I humble myself before a great and gracious God, He will lift me up into new life. A lighter, brighter existence where His love is magnified, and my puny, selfish love is thankfully swallowed up by His grace.
So Hello Spring—Hello warm waves—Hello new life!
Squished into wetsuit
Does you have anything you would like to shed this Spring besides a wetsuit??? Please share in comments. No judgement here!